Tuesday, March 31, 2015

     I AM GOLD JULY 31, 2015!
"I have the faith, tools, skills and a plan to get there and I am fully supported and I am getting closer everyday!"

So I've often thought that if I really wanted to make allot of money, I could just have a camera follow me around and record a reality show! I totally know my life is nuts! Wife to my hunk of burnin' Samoan love-Pele, mother of 5, business owner....then throw in church stuff and extra curricular, life is one fast moving Crazy Train! But...I love it! ;)

You know how when you are about to embark on something AMAZING----especially if it could be life changing and empowering, adversity seems to jump in...and in a big way?

Well, this Gold Rush IS AMAZING!  My life; our lives, will be IMPROVED!  We will be EMPOWERED!  And, we will see just how POWERFUL we are!  So, as I focused on my homework for this week and began to make shifts in my thinking and saw a tiny glimpse of what we are capable of.....adversity struck. And it struck hard.  My worry was that this must be happening to my partners on the Crazy Train.  So, since I'm doing this publicly, I want it to be real.  I will share what is happening in my experience, so that you are not alone in your journey.  Feel free to share with me! We are in this together!  The good, the bad and the ugly.  But, we WILL MOST DEFINITELY be walking that Red Carpet together in September!  I can't wait to hug each of you who stick it out and revolutionize going GOLD!

Last week.....
Our EOTV show was on Thursday.  By Friday, I had 2 front line legs and had talked to 2 others.  I was doing my homework, gaining confidence and planning like crazy!  I was over the fear and shock of this commitment and forward thinking bigtime.

My oldest son plays football for BYU (#31!  Cheer for him!  He's sooooo cute!)  Being a Division 1 football player comes with its hardships and he has suffered many.  But he had 3 articles written about him in the last week and was first string on all depth charts after finally recovering from major shoulder surgery and face surgery for all of his broken noses. This season was going AWESOME!  Friday night was the Spring Ball Scrimmage. Long story short, Sae blew out his knee in the first play of the game.  He was down on the field for so long I was certain it was another concussion....one more and he's done.  I was terrified and crushed for him.  Watching your 22 year old on the med table with tears running down his cheeks is pretty gut wrenching.  It was a late night.  We were physically and emotionally exhausted when we got home.  An MRI on Monday would reveal the extent of the injury.

I had a yard sale to clear out the rest of my Hapari swimsuits (weddings are expensive! :)).  I shut down the sale to head to my 18 year old, Alema's,  rugby game.  Just before leaving, I received a phone call that one of my dearest friends was killed in a horrible accident.  Noreen was 37 years old and I love her as my sister.  I was in complete shock.  I couldn't cry.  It was like every cell in my body was crystalizing.  I felt like "crunchy".  I don't know how to explain it.  I left for Alema's game.  I hit major traffic (I had no idea it was the traffic from Noreen's accident), so I was late to the game.  My husband called.  "Hun, Alema is hurt.  It's his shoulder.  He's in allot of pain so we need to get to the hospital.  Stop and grab ice and get here quick."  We got him to the ER and they took FOREVER.  My boy in pain.  (my TWO boys in pain).  My friend killed?  I had to sneak to the bathroom and sob for a minute---in which time my son refused pain meds because it was a shot....(Seriously husband?  A mom cannot leave the room for one second without disaster!). "Give him the shot now.  I know he is 18, I am still his MOTHER. Give him the shot!."   It was a broken scapula.  So, actually great news.  The joint was fine and doesn't appear to be torn.  6-8 weeks,  He'll be good. :)

It hit full force.  Noreen is gone.

I honestly am not trying to pull a "Wo is me".  Maybe I just need to sort things out in my mind.  But I want to remember this journey.  If I am going to make a move like this with so many amazing women, I want to record what I have learned and what I have overcome in every aspect of my life through this quest. And, if my experience helps you to be strong or laugh or hold the line in any way...GREAT! :)  Cuz I am in this 100% come heck or high water!  The point is, you may have a crazy life!  You may have 1,000 reasons why this is not the time for you to take on a challenge like this....But if you can't get this opportunity out of your mind....JUMP!  Jump with me!  Four months from now, we are going to have brought so many people to GOLD!  What will that do for you? For your team?  What will that moment at Convention look like? All I can do is smile when I imagine it!

Bottom Line.....
My boys will be fine and  Noreen would love this Crazy Train Gold Rush!  So..."I have the faith, tools, skills and a plan to get there and I am fully supported and I am getting closer every day!"

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