Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Today was a blurrrrr.... But I'm totally stoked! Finding the right builders is no joke! I have talked so much that my own voice annoys me! But, I LOVE these women! I LOVE that they have each told me that they have known that there was something important coming into their lives and they recognized this opportunity when it came to them. I am realizing how amazing it is to find the people who are ready and looking for a vehicle to share, to lead, to attract total abundance and to live a life where lifting and inspiring is in your daily experience! So, if you are finding it challenging to find your front line team....intend (pray:)) for those who and praying for it--for those who will recognize it! And remember timing is everything. Many seeds will be planted and grow in due time. Kalli calls it the law of the harvest. So, I think I have my 3! Kristi, Brandy and ............Margot! Yep! Margot is jumping! Still intending for #4, but I know she's on her way!  Now it's time to get this crazy train on the tracks!!! See Ya tomorrow at 10:30am MST. 
P.S. Heidi, if you are reading this.....I clearly need serious help in the blogging arena.  Don't even ask why this post looks like this....Please relieve us from this pain!


  1. You need to post photos on your blog. missmitchellsfabulousfifthgrade.blogspot.com. Pretty sure Tyson's year is in it!

  2. http://missmitchellsfabulousfifthgrade.blogspot.com
