Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Wow.  Today's call created such support for each team member.  We went longer today because everyone needed extra support.  This is one of the reasons that our accountability calls have been so vital to our foundation of each of our businesses.  We did, however, agree that we will stay structured on our call from now on.  It is easy during your report to begin discussing what you are experiencing.  We decided that the first 5 minutes is strictly reporting:
Power up/power down
Todays accountability intentions
If we have something needing discussion or venting, we will report "I have a subject for discussion in the "6th minute".  The "6th minute" is our code word for anyone who would like to stay on the call after Accountability Reporting for discussion.  This way the call is always structured, begins on time and does not burden anyone.  My gals gave me permission to share a little about what we discussed today:
Kristi- She is preparing to leave on the 23rd for Korea to coach her team in the World Championship and 2 other competitions.  She has been talking to builders and selling like crazy.  Both of her Premier legs are just under $1000 with kits for each on the horizon.  She's a moover and a shaker!  Stress level is high as she is housing a few team members before the trip, keeping her team in check and reaching doTERRA Premier.  Please send her powerful energy, as she is just one 5'3" POWERHOUSE intending to create multiple ginormous results this month!

Morgot-Dealing with some serious health issues.  However, still meeting people daily and in deliberate search for her builders.  She is miracle minded and my "Never give up" leg.  Her son is leaving on an LDS 2 year  mission this month to England and that comes with all kinds of emotions and shifts.  I ache for Margots success!  This woman is unstoppable and when her results begin to reflect her potential, this world better watch out!  We just need to make sure that her work is 100% result centered!  That has been a huge learning curve for me.  Learning where to put our energies when talking to others and making sales is definitely a science.  Margot needs this prayer, "Please give Margo strength, give her health and give her comfort.  Please allow her choice of such a beautiful attitude be reflected back to her by bringing those into her life who will provide everything she needs to be insanely successful in her intentions.  Bring her strong, professional, result driven builders who will join in celebrating her life mission! Bless her heart to be full and energy to be high and her miracles to be plentiful.  For, Margot is a believer!"

Brandy- Brandy has soooo  many seeds planted!  They are beginning to sprout!  She takes the time to truly serve.  She LOVES the oils and our team and refuses to be discouraged.  I have seen many of her tears as she wants this so badly but has had many obstacles.  She did not rank last month and I know that is painful for her--tho she insists on looking forward.  She has a class tonight and is calling for 2 today.  We will be going to Arizona the first week of next month for a class for her sister (who will not build but is willing to support Brandy).  We are hoping to find some serious business leads there.  Brandy has 7 children---3 are foster.  This month the foster are transitioning back home.  It is not a good situation and they are small---all under 8 years old.  They all adore her, call her "mom" and love her as such. She is scared to death for what they are going home to.  Their lives are literally at risk.  She has written letters and gone to court and fought against them being a statistic, to no avail.  Along with her heart ache, this also brings an added financial burden.  Brandy needs doTERRA to work.  Her husband leaves to Ghana on Thrusday---he leaves for business frequently and never knows how long he will be gone and weeks often lead to over a month so.  This chick is a fighter!  She blows me away with her attitude and strength. Her success is knocking at our door!  She is soooo close!  Please send her energy this month.  Send her heart comfort and her intentions power to attract!  I cannot wait to see her imprint on this world.  She brings empathy, service and a smile straight from heaven to everyone she meets.  Her builders are soooo lucky to learn from HER!  I cannot wait to see who they are and how they show up!  It's awesome to know it's will happen any minute!!!  Good juju for tonights class!!!!

Eden-Well after starting yesterday with a towed car and a 100% sleepless night last night.....she is closing a Natural Solutions kit AS WE SPEAK!  Baboosh!!!  There is one reason this diva killed cancer.....because she does not QUIT!  She texted this morning at 6:08am that she may not be on the call.  She had been up all night, literally.  "Even her Serenity didn't work".  But sure enough, the conference line "dinged" and there she was!  She left the call early to meet with her one on one.  Wow.  So, please send her some energy today.  Like literally.....just send her ENERGY! ;)  Kalli is going to San Antonio at the end of the month and Eden is trying to put together some people and potential builders to meet her.  There is allot riding on this so I know she is really intending to recognize who to invite.  She already won today's challenge for a diffuser necklace!  Chugga chugga here we gooooo!

Do you see why I love them?  Gold is coming, I mean my nails are a constant reminder! (and they are amazing, btw) but it's funny how little I think about "Gold".  I just am so full of gratitude for this experience.  We are still very far from Gold.  And, I won't lie----I do have my moments of "holy crap where are the results", but then I quickly realign myself.  My book is really helping me to stay focused on what is really important.  Ohhhhh I want Gold!   I want it for all of you and there is a financial need.  But, I really want it for THEM!  I want THEIR success.  I want THEIR freedom!  Freedom from whatever has kept them bound in their life to this point.  Freedom to live their intentions.  Freedom to truly inspire.  Freedom to encompass total abundance.  That is why I am driven.  My "why" has expanded.

All I have to share is what I am experiencing.  I know your experiences may be very different.  However, I do believe we have common threads.  Let them be that we remain in alignment with what is important.  If we need to rapid rethink what is driving our team or not driving our team, then do it.  When things are not progressing remember, "For things to change, I must change." I have definitely had to make some self improvements for this experience and I can see I have far to go!  Let's see what today brings!  Miracle minded baby!

1 comment:

  1. Such an encouraging post! Love you bunches and bunches!!!
